November, 2013: A Thanksgiving Welcome Home - Steelers Style1020 viewsWe’ve been keeping up with Steven since he shared his photo and message for Ben in September of 2013, when he was deployed (you can see it here in this album). This past weekend he sent in a new photo – of the Welcome Home he was greeted with upon his return to the U.S. last week:
“I got back from a deployment and surprised my family for Thanksgiving. Not only that, but my brother Mike, his wife Briseida, and their son Maximiliano (who knew I was coming home), welcomed my return with their Steelers jerseys and gear on, ready to support me and our Steelers! They also surprised me with a new Big Ben jersey and a Terrible Towel! GO BIG BEN! GO STEELERS!†– Steven
Steven only has a few days to enjoy with his family before reporting to his duty station, but said it was “amazing to be backâ€.
Steven, we wish you all the best! Stay safe and God bless! (1 votes)
Veterans Day Weekend - 20121270 viewsBanner for the Steelers Official Facebook page.
*Click on any photo for a larger version! (1 votes)
Veterans Day Weekend - 20121037 viewsThis is a photo of my buddy, Joshua Robert Maurer with my daughter Taylor Heath from a Blue Angels air show in Jacksonville, FL.
We were fortunate enough to gain access to the runway at NAS Jax and snap a pic against the Blue Angels!
Joshua is stationed at NAS Mayport (also in Jacksonville) in the U.S. Navy.
Leslie Heath (1 votes)
Veterans Day, 20111438 viewsDear Ben and the Steelers!!!
"My name is Jennifer Thompson. I am sending this email on behalf of my husband Sgt. Garry Thompson. See my husband is now medically retired from the Army after 17 years of service but he will always carry the military with him. It is who he is. He has always been in law enforcement in one aspect or another since the age of 18 years old. He has been in the military police corp as well as a cop in Cocoa Florida. It's a part of him.
'On May 28th of 2008, I received a phone call no Army wife ever wants to get. A spokesman from the Department of Defense called to inform me my husband had been critically injured and partially paralyzed from the waist down after being shot twice to the back one shattered his spine and the other is still lodged in his side. I am not writing this to depress you rather it is quite the opposite. My husband Garry still loves the military and his comrades more than ever. He always states to me he would do everything again even if he knew what the outcome would be. He is wheelchair bound but it doesn't get him down. It's just a challenge to continue doing the things he loves just in a different way.
'He spent time with the Steelers players for the 'Heroes at Heinz Field' event and it made his year. To know you care enough to go out and spend time with these heroes is amazing and I am so very thankful. I have never seen another team do what you do. We spend our quality time together during the games cheering you on, sometimes a bit too loudly but our neighbors understand. I just wanted to send an email letting you know how blessed I am to have this hero in my life and to thank you for all you do!!! Goooo Steelers!!!"