Are we there yet?959 viewsJuly 29, 2012: Little Miss Kendra Jones is very excited to see her favorite QB at her very first trip to training camp!
Photo: Erica Jonesis very excited to see her favorite QB at her very first trip to training camp!
Photo: Erica Jones     (4 votes)

Jordan meets Ben1015 viewsJordan Gray attended training camp on August 6, 2011 and was thrilled to not only meet Ben but get his mini helmet autographed by his favorite player.
Photo submitted by Jordan's mom, Renee.
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Liam Lydon, Part Deux980 views11-month old Liam wanted to show off his broader shoulders since first being photographed in his Big Ben onesy at the age of four weeks:
At least now you can actually read his favorite player's last name when Liam is out and about!
Photo submitted by his grandpa, Lance.     (4 votes)

Taking their fandom very seriously!!557 viewsJuan Pablo Amui and his little sister Maria cheer for their Steelers all the way from Argentina! Their father Miguel said he and his wife Ana and the children, "flew over 6,000 miles just to see my Steelers play at Heinz Field and to see Ben." It was worth the trip for that Monday Night Football game against the Chiefs in 2012, the Steelers won 16-13 in Overtime!
Photo: Miguel Amui
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Daddy, can we throw the football around?569 viewsWesley Kemp is ready, even if he does have to grow into the football first. He has 2 older brothers, 8-year old Tyson and 6-year old Marshall, and according to dad, Mike, "We are all huge Ben fans up here. Go Steelers!!!!"     (2 votes)

2013 Steelers Training Camp582 views“For weeks, all I heard was, ‘Daddy, how many days until training camp?’. Selfishly, I was asking myself the same thing, now 33 and never having attended camp myself. I talked to some training camp “veterans†to get the scoop, but truthfully I had little idea what to expect. Armed with a few jerseys, a couple autograph footballs, and some sharpies, we made the 5-1/2 hour voyage to Latrobe. Jacoby was so eager to see all of the Steelers! He wanted to slap hands with all of them as they entered the field.
To cap off a great day of training camp, Jacoby got a bunch of signatures, one of which was from Ben! If you could have seen the look on Jacoby’s face when Ben walked over to us! I am truly blessed to be able to have shared this experience with my son. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. Thank you to the Steelers, and especially to #7 for making this such a memorable trip.†– Nick Bonnett, Glen Allen, VA     (2 votes)

Decked out!!706 views“This is my ‘pouty’ super model look!†– Cora Grace, who insisted that her Aunt Amy put her in her favorite Steelers outfit in the hopes of attracting the attention of a certain “Roethlisberger Jr.â€!
Photo: Amy Bleinstein     (2 votes)

Tough Li' Ben Fans!!648 viewsBoth Ignacio & Ulises Capistran Juarez are sportin' their Big Ben jerseys while toolin' around the grocery store in mom's cart. You can tell these two scrappy little guys are just as tough as their favorite player!
Their photo was submitted by their father, Nacho Capistran Barahona and came to us all the way from Cd. Serdan, Puebla. Mexico.
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3-year old Carmela Schaaf897 views...doesn't say "Cheese" for the camera, she says "STEELERS"!
Photo: Stacie Fisher-Schaff     (2 votes)

Aiden Cantu912 views...says HE is Ben's biggest fan and would love to meet him some day!
Photo: Joe Cantu     (2 votes)

Just your typical "garden variety" Big Ben fans!872 viewsThat's 19-month old twins Cooper and Camron Grodi chillin' in the yard in their #7's.
"They sure love watching the Steelers! Everytime football comes on they are yelling, 'go, go, go' and 'Touchdown' :)"-- Jackie Grodi     (2 votes)

That's one tough turkey!!!1243 views"My 5 year old son, Gavin, was asked by his Kindergarten teacher to disguise this turkey so he wouldn't be eaten on Thanksgiving Day. He chose to decorate his to look like his favorite Steelers football player. He calls his turkey 'Ben Turkeysberger'." -- Erica Bruce.
*Click on any photo for a larger version!     (2 votes)
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